Tips to Improve Your Oxygen Saturation Levels You could have low blood oxygen levels due to many reasons including from hypoxemia, asthma, being at high altitude or suffering from sleep apnea. Most of the time, it is important to keep in mind that you have to have oxygen to survive. If you think your oxygen levels are low or you prefer constantly monitoring the levels, you can do that by using a pulse oximeter to measure your blood oxygen level. First, please consult with your doctor to determine the correct course of action. The concepts below are some common guidelines but are not to be interpreted as medical advice, ask your doctor. Normally, your level should be somewhere between 95 to 100 percent. Anything below 90 percent is considered to be low. Thankfully, if you do find you suffer from low oxygen levels, there are things you do to improve your oxygen saturation.
Using Oxygen UnitsTo use oxygen units, you will need to contact a supply company that distributes them. Most of the time, the company will deliver them right to your doorstep. In addition, the company will provide you with instructions on how to use them.
Learning How to Breathe ProperlyIn order for your oxygen saturation to be at a healthy level, you must breathe properly. To help you do this, you can listen to breathing method tapes. You could also do breathing exercises with Yoga which will help body to relax and better circulate oxygen in your blood.
Staying Away from SmokeSmoke, as well as smog and other types of air pollutants, can severely lower your oxygen levels. You need to stay away from these things as much as possible; this is especially targeted towards those of you who smoke. To overcome an addiction to smoking, consider joining some type of support group.
ExercisingExercising is beneficial for a wide variety of reasons, with one of the most important being that it can help improve your oxygen saturation levels. Some of the more popular exercises that can be partaken in to improve your oxygen levels include walking, jogging and swimming. If at any time you endure breathing problems while exercising, make sure you contact your physician.
Taking VitaminsBy eating healthy and taking vitamins, as well as iron supplements, on a daily basis, you can improve your oxygen saturation levels. Great foods to eat to make sure you get the vitamins you need include green veggies.
Losing WeightIf you are overweight, even if it's only 10 to 15 pounds, you need to do your best to lose your excess weight. For many people, being overweight can lead to major sleep disruption, which in turn results in low oxygen saturation levels.